If you are part of the university staff, do inform the head of your department or of your unit who will feed back the information to the appropriate person(s) via direction.generale@ut-capitole.fr and according to the relevant procedure
Do not rush to a GP surgery or hospital to avoid any potential contamination.
Health and safety rules in the workplace
Explanatory visuals are posted in the university premises for :
the use of the tools shared in the offices (photocopier, coffee machine, water fountains, ...)
the use of elevators
the use of sanitary facilities.
Instructions in case of suspicion of contamination or adverse case of COVID-19
► All students with symptoms or who have had more than 15 minutes of contact with an infected person without a mask or distancing themselves from the person with the disease are encouraged to follow the following instructions.
As of 11 May 2020, the gradual deconfinement phase starts. University campuses will be accessible to only a portion of the institutions' staff. They remain closed to students and other members of the public.
Student Health
Simpps (student health service) provides an online hotline for student social emergencies. An emergency e-mail address: contact.simpps@univ-toulouse.fr
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