Thesis defended by M Olivier Penela "Jurisdictional bodies of the Regional Integration Process in South America" under the joint supervision of M Enoch Alberti Rovira, Barcelona University and M. Marc Blanquet, IRDEIC
February 27, 2019
University of Barcelona
European thesis defended by M Olivier Penela Jurisdictional bodies of the Regional Integration Process in South America
Olivier PENELA get the summa Cum laude distinction (highest honors) and European Thesis label
Abstract :
The subject of my doctoral thesis focuses on the different legal institutions established by the South American integration processes - the Andean Community, MERCOSUR and UNASUR - in order to ensure accordance with the law in the application of their treaties. Beyond a simple comparative study, the objective of the thesis is above all to develop an analysis of the role of the different Community judges (the Andean Tribunal of Justice, the MERCOSUR Permanent Review Tribunal and the UNASUR Regional Arbitration Center currently being created) at the heart of the respective integration processes, as well as comparing the processes to Europe's experience with the European Court of Justice as an embodiment of a legal system of integration and the development of an EU standard.
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