« The new challenges for the EU pharmaceuticals policy : encouraging the development of safe, innovative and affordable health products » : Journées Louis Dubouis, Colloquium of the DESAPS-IRDEIC-CEEC Chair
May 23, 2018 May 24, 2018
Amphi colloque MI V Guy Isaac
The Colloquium of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Health Law is organized in honour of Professor Louis Dubouis who is a high ranking expert in EU law and more particularly in health law. The two working days are dedicated to the new challenges for the EU pharmaceuticals policy.They are organized by Nathalie De Grove Valdeyron, holder of the DESAPS Chair.
Challenges for the EU pharmaceuticals policy of the European Union: a topical issue !
In 2008, the European Commission opted for a far-reaching communication policy which resulted in new guidelines « in favour of safe, innovative and affordable medicines ». A stricter pharmacovigilance and a more drastic fight against the proliferation of falsified medicines are major achievements of this policy.
Ten years later, safety and security issues are still relevant and have become even more pressing in light of the development of innovative therapies and new medical devices that can include nanomaterials, not to mention the introduction and development of connected health products (raising security and health data protection issues) or the online sale of medicines
The European Union also faces new challenges : the insufficient access to some essential medicines and the high or sometimes unaffordable price of innovative drugs are jeopardizing the viability of national health systems.
How can the European Union react in a sector in which negotiations mainly take place between the Member States and pharmaceutical companies ? How can it guide and support pharmaceutical research with a view to discover new treatments meeting the actual needs of patients while securing a financial return on investment for companies ?
How to ensure a fair and non-discriminating access to medicines in Europe ?
How to reconcile intellectual property on innovation and patients’access to the latter ?
How to encourage the development of innovative drugs aimed at treating rare diseases ?
In days and times when the pharmaceutical sector is undergoing major changes, this colloquium invites us to discuss the strategies to be implemanted at EU level with a view to take up the upcoming challenges.
Researchers-lecturers in law from France, Italy and Canada, in economic science and health law (Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier), researchers from INSERM/CNRS, business support bodies (EDIT platform), representatives of the French drug industry association (LEEM), of the Ministry of Health (DSSIS) and of patients’associations are gathered to exchange views on the themes on the agenda of this scientific event held on May 23rd and 24th at the Manufacture des tabacs (Toulouse 1 Capitole University).
The detailed program in French can be downloaded (see right column).
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